Surprise Went Wrong but Blissful

After a decade we were going to meet tomorrow, I need her to be at the comfort level as we were in our childhood. The gift I had bought for her was wrapped in the shape of fish like her eyes. I tied a knot on the neck of the fish with a satin ribbon as a finishing touch.

The day has come, we met, cherished, and shared all the moments we had in the last decade. The sunny day made our energy run out, while then we stopped for a watermelon fresh juice, the juice shop is also a grocery mart. While gaining our energy back, I thought to slip the gift into her handbag to make her surprise.

I said, “Hey, you might feel dehydrated, let me hold your handbag.”  I casually pulled the sling of her handbag and gripped it on my right-hand shoulder. 

My inner voice said, “Oops, she may think that I might steal something from her bag.”

By the time she received a phone call, my inner voice said, “that’s it, the correct time to slip the gift into her bag.” So, I stepped slowly behind the grocery rack, acting like busy shopping. Then I peek from there, sighted she is staring somewhere and busy talking on the phone.

I pulled out my backpack, took out the gift, and again peek at her like a thief stealing something. Then I slipped the gift inside her bag in a hurry. Mission successful- closed the zip of her handbag and then acted like seeing the expiry date of the masala powders placed on the racks. When I saw the CCTV placed above me, my inner voice said, “there now, the grocery mart people would have evidence of thief look like a person who hefting something and slipping inside a girl’s handbag.”

I again peek at her, who was still on phone. Now I took back the gift from her bag, in front of the CCTV placed above me. Then gesture to someone behind the camera or maybe to the damaged CCTV, gesturing that, this is my gift, and I am slipping for a surprise. For the surprise part gesture, I motioned, both of my hands raised like, the great Kirikalan’s Magic Show.

“Without Knowing Magic, how long I’m going to survive here.”. Oops, Sorry My inner voice mimicked actor Vadivelu.

After zipping her bag, I paced towards her as if nothing happened. She who had just hung up the call turned towards me. The moment she saw me she pointed to her handbag and easily found that there is a gift in her bag. I was startled how she found out, now my mind voice came out of my mouth,

” Ivlo vela panni Manda Meala Iruka Kondaya Maranthutomae” (Another Vadivelu Mimick.)

The final wrap touch Satin ribbon from the gift, peeking out and waving in the air like, “Hey you, I’m here” …

She started to laugh out loud, by holding her stomach from the uncontrollable pain of laughing. As this was my third Surprise failure on the same day.

Even though the day ended, and the sun shined a few days, this satin ribbon moment felt very special to both of us. Because In all relationships, feeling the uncontrollable stomach pain of laugh would make the relationship blissful.

Our blissful moment would make our good friendship memorable forever. She captured the moment in her way of art, as I do.

This is my Surprise to her, which Went Wrong but was Blissful.

Kevin Jacky

One response to “Surprise Went Wrong but Blissful”

  1. Reblogged this on Cuckoo and commented:
    Couldn’t be a better version!! Blissful💗


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